Within us records the record-graking of U -1 -1-won: Chess 10 goals 10 round, stomach bug, ashes
Within us records the record-graking of U -1 -1-won: Chess 10 goals 10 round, stomach bug, ashes
I Monday Monday, Monday, Monday, U-17 of American Team, and awaken Adams in front of 16-year-olds. He was acting with the garden bug that kept him up to 7 am in the morning to the Costa Rica against the American recruitment island.
By the end of the day, Adams on Monday, Adams on Monday, he started the number of their qualifications notes.
“Clearly, if I had been able to score 10 and we have been able to score 22 and we have been able to score, Adam said.
There were a lot of goals to speak. The USA opened the scoring of two minutes in the conidail, making a jug of the foundation for a complete effective display. They connected 78% of the elongated 48% filled with fusted by half-40-3 and American enrollment islands € 53-0. The World Cup qualified match in any American bowl is the biggest limit in Kwalifing match, 202 women mentioned in 20222, and eight total players were in scoters.
Adams said this company knew they were heavy favorite ones to win the game, but they were not targeting a record breaking wins.
“It was the biggest message, honestly, maintaining our standards around the game, no score,” Adams said. “I think 22-0 was in our bingo [board]But I think it was probably – we know that we would be a good little goal amount, so we were receiving discipline to maintain the scoring and keeping the scoring. We want to send them how we want to play and send them how we want to play. “
Promised a sign about how the game was gone. The eighth minute was more than USMT-30-4, when Adam did the first time of 10 runs.
“I may think so far after the second or third goal, we may feel that we are going to control our type,” he said. “We confirm that we will be, and especially, I am going to think of my third goal, I’m going to really a good day.”
Adams handed over to her bands and placed a new record for a person for a person for Amitail in the USMO Cup Qwaifights in the USMO Cup. The previous Records four players against the Gadeludu and Guatemala against Gawatdo and Guatemala against Gawatdo and Guatemala against Guatemala and Guatemala against Guatemala and Guatemala against Guatemala and Guatemala.
However, the Bolding Page of the USAMIint spent eight American Kumari Islands behind. Adams themselves in their account included four added, senior univers included the women’s World Cup winter at the beginning of the winning campaign. Like the World Cup winners, the roll of this Adam and the team were not resolved by their roll, even if the missionary was completed.
“The greatest thing for us is with us, honestly, it doesn’t have to be late and this is because of the factors we want,” Adam said. “We are easily stopped. Honestly, not the best we have to talk. Clearly, maybe there was no more goals, and our abilities Maintaining. “
In this process, Columbus 2 player, which scored 10 goals in all 2024 of 2024. Erbland Habeland, in 20120, scored nine goals in Honduras in 20120, including 2020 in 20120, in 2012020. Admis showed him all his goals with the joy of joy, but he only felt some of them.
“I’m not my favorite from the people,” he accepted. “Honestly, makes them all a special ability and my favorite for me. Probably Hairer because I don’t have much of them, or maybe the weaker walking I have to choose the header to be my favorite. “
Thanks for their 22-0 victory on Monday, U-1 ENDEVE USMTs are on the top of the current group F-17 male’s Qualifier. The top team will be eligible for FIFA U-1 World Cup, which will be at November in Qatar and the first version of the competition would be 48 teams. Back to play USMAnd Wednesday, when they face St. Kit and Navis.
Adam ‘Large Identity
10 Scores, ADS is a glimpse of the provofational plane that has hoped by Monday’s performance of Monday’s performance.
Hamaland, Pre-England International World Rona Rona and 2023 MLS MLS MLS MLS MLS MLS MLS MLS MLS MLS MLS MLS MLS MLS MLS MLS MLS MLS MLS MLS MLS MLS MLS MLS MLS MLS MLS MLS MLS SABANDEZED BEFORE BY Colloquial Driver, because with multiple in their game. Adams himself displayed his range on Monday, looking for a help with the target of the city’s play-opening.
“I don’t want to be just a scorer. I want to create my games from which I had to be the type of player, I haven’t a great day of yesterday, I haven’t a great day of yesterday, I have three or four : I have dated and I am still contributing to many types of sports, “he said. “[They] Get a small bit of physical and get emotional and get a lot in the game. “
Don’t expect your idols in front of a short hair, even if they are unknown as if they seem to be unknown.
“I don’t think I would go with the skin,” he said, “He said during the game of Renny. “I don’t think that’s what it’s appropriate to me.”
The signature of Hamaland is the same for a long-white length locks, which was a wonderful way.
“My hair is currently longer and I want to cut a hair for a while, perhaps,” said Adams said. “My hair goes Road I am long when I’m long. It goes straight out, it’s tlee, it’s nothing good.