Orioles prospect Coby Mayo laments demotion to Triple-A: ‘Feel like you’ve proven everything you’ve needed to’

Orioles prospect Coby Mayo laments demotion to Triple-A: ‘Feel like you’ve proven everything you’ve needed to’

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On Tuesday, Baltimore Orioles were vibrating because they continue to cut their headscarf ahead of the opening day. The more attentive of these transactions saw that Orioles deceived his insert Coby Mayo at the same level, during which he spent most of the two seasons. It may be predictable that Mayo had the opportunity to express his disappointment.

“It’s definitely difficult,” Mayo told reporters. including Baltimore BannerA number “It’s obviously sucking because you feel that you have proved everything you needed. Sometimes it’s so enough. It’s a kind of loss of losing to Norfolk. “

Not everyone will be kind to Mayo, publishing his frustration, but it is worth remembering that he is 23-year-old who has unusual trouble. In 151 three-time games, he hits .279 / .376 / .543 34 Home Runs, signs that he will earn a certain place in most adult Rosters. Unfortunately, there are several forces against him who work in Baltimore, based on the same quality of the base.

Among them, the depth of the depths of the congested Infidence in Orioles. They have more talented intrusion than spots, and his last struggle. To have joy, Mayo has installed .293 OPS 17 games after the last season of the show for the first time debut. Then he followed this spring by striking .190 / .232 / .262 in the competition of the exhibition.

This combination means no matter how irritating that Mayo will now return to the pursuit of his familiar minor league to reach a major hope.