NortheastERNTER 025 Women Beanpot

NortheastERNTER 025 Women Beanpot

4:30 am, January 22,025

20225 Women’s Beanfami of Tournament in 46 years of the Tournament, 13,27 in the women’s Benipot. Seen the presence of. This is the second year that the woman’s birth championship Boston played in TD garden.

Last week, Matureus broke a record for the biggest crowd on the Campus Site in the Campus site in the Campus Site in the Campus site.

2:43 am, January 22, 2022.

2:02 AM, January 22, 2025

It was a good second period.

That was that Lily Shellen to reach 2:21 to build a house connecting the house connecting the house connecting the house. Then after only seconds, Jayan Bugdon disappeared Juyan Bugtan to make it 30-0.

The NortheastERNTer takes the lead period during the third period, and the hockey row is 20 minutes away from their third birth championship.

19:58 am, January 22, 2025

15:56 am, January 22, 2025

1:12 Born, January 22, 2025

It was played the first 20 minutes in TW. Both teams had some scoring possibilities, but only Huskie found the back of the net. The shots were in favor of 11-10 Thirtyish.

Each goantander made some key stops, like this sequence from this pennial jownson.

12:54 Born, January 22, 2025

Lily Ravetic Shot distributes a wave of a fortune for the first goal of the season, and first of championships.

12:34 I January 22, 2025)

The puck takes Noah’s 2025 women’s university in Bonton’s University as Noah Big bed.

Buri has to take revenge for last year’s championship game and its first-epoch has been winning its first disorder since 2019. Recipes is looking for a third of the third of the third of the sides in a row, and its 20 years old.

11:47 Blind, January 21, 2025

Boston College lost 2025 women’s seeds in third-place games. Eagles won their first game in TD garden and became disample of Christings for last year’s shooting deficiency.

Boston college was hot with three first-term goals, and the eagles never returned to the back. On the first time of its night and the first time in Harreard in Harreard in Harreard in Harreard in the third-term party and the first time in Harecard. Grace Campbell stopped 28/29 shots in victory.

11:37 Pm, January 21, 2025

11:22 PM, January 21, 2025

Cemamy tab slides come with a wide opening of the slok Badhand that places the four rounds before Boston College.

10:57 pm, January 21, 2025

During the second period, Boston College 10-8 Outsoccutor became stronger after the second period is out of the second period. BC still goes to the shit in 17-16. When getting some good possibilities, Harvard crime could not get the BC goal Campbell.

10:07 pm, January 21, 2025

Boston college heat started, scoring three goals in a period of eight minutes. It was the most early, in the first 20 minutes to Recording nine shots with BC.

Harvard Coach Belra bite BC BC bcc goal is a timight for the third BC goal after the third BC goal. There was six shots in Harvard, with the coming of the timight.

9:57 Pm, January 21, 2025

The eagle ‘criminals makes nifty moves to beat the carity softness of the reduction. So far all three BC rounds have come from the desolate new England.

In whip,Boston-College,Boston- U,Harvard