No ARUBN and NUMBER 29 on Saturday, male basketball scenario

No ARUBN and NUMBER 29 on Saturday, male basketball scenario

Another functional day of the man’s college basketball pushed the gradual team in brikkus and with some surprises on the way.

Here’s the biggest results of the slate of Saturday.

Florida with the number 14 statement road inverter

Florida male basketball

Na. Florida separated the protection of the fashion of the country on Saturday’s confidence to the top team and after the second half of the second half.

Garsers (20-3, 33-3 seconds) are under control with a lot of sports, 10 old-third leading and multiple aibarn. Walter Clanetton Jeel Floridon, with a PLOLIDON 1 DISTS and nine measures, while Alexx Radon distributed double double distributed with 1 poines and 10 rebound. Crushed from the area 48.4% from the area and saving from a deemity from the unboying to knocked the three-pointers.

Auburn (21-2, 1 -1-1 -1-1 -1-1 -1-1 -1-1) was terminated with 1 PROPLE IS 3 points with 11 Realound and six adhesions and six associates. Mile Kelly added 22 points, but the tigers struggle to commit the tradition of Florida.

Back to 48-38 Back, Atangs, atang, had always had a loss in a single digit, but Florida was always reply to Florida. A couple from urbanourkeeper pushed the leadership for the leadership of the second half medium and arrested the angel from a delay.

He was won to win the Florida program is the first victory on a 1-ranored team on the road. Gartijan will speed up when they came another Georgia, while ARUBURN to create an abuse of Alabama.

Clemons Outsets Number 2 Duke, Blue Devils’ 1-Game Strake ends

Clemon man's basketball

Clemons win the victory victory of the victory of the winning won Daming, Blue Satan, who win 1-game. Tigers (15-5, 11-2 eCC HUNTS FALL-FRICH SHOUNING HUND FALL FREE FREE SHOULD HUNTER FALL FREE SHOULD HUNTER FALL FREE SHOULD HUNTER FALL FREE SHOULD HUND WARNING HUNTLY FALLY (20-3, 12-1 ACC) its first conference in the weather.

Vikletter Mucer Classson Powered Clems, the fields, from 22 points, 9-322, including 2 points, 6-31, including 8-2, 8/12-11. Chase 14 points chipped in 14 points, and Ian Shechhifel showed 10 rings for twice as much double. The tigers kept 38.8% from the area and under the control of Paint and in the inside, Dork Over2 DOL -22 DOL -22.

At 29 points, in 23 points, under 26 points, under 26 points, in 23right, while Cooper Flagg added 18 points and FLIGGGs. Half at half of the blue devils proceeded at the beginning, but the climson is in the second half, using 12-0 runsways to control 12 runsways.

Duke led by one minute in a minute a minute with a minute in a minute, but Claimon responded with a goart-front-front ferap.

Victory won the fifth straight wins the fifth straight in the EP top-five opponents.

19 Mark on the top top highway of the clies

Creative male basketball

No. 11 Aravida, 77 77-67, because the consecutive victory is good.

Steven Geshvils with 26-20stream with 22 points (18-91 Pumbage Big East) and six 3-pointers with a 3-pointers. Added 3-3 more 15 points and seven prostitution. Chip in Jamiya Newal 1 Points, a clutch Site hitting the lateness to help the air seal.

(1-6, 9-4-40) Green East) Returned 27 digits from Jopman Jopan. The Golden Eagle reduced 10-point loss in the second half and took the lead with 10: 1-. But Crearen answered, Back-to-back-back-back-back-back-back-back-back-to-time refused to keep the game out of reach.

Blicks of bluegies in control of 52.9% late and tempo to control the Late and Tempo .1.1% in shooting. The pressure of rebounding won the arrests of 37-34, Marquets struggled to convert to 11-for-for 36 from outside.

The deficit mark the third of the Markwit in a row.

Na. • Michigan state pushes the Oregon Big to the second half

Michigan State State Richardson layup against Oregon

Jee Richahrons are not led by 6 Michigan State (1-4-4 Big 10) in the second half of the second half housing in Oriega, 86-7474

In dunge (1-8, 5-8), in a good position after the first half, after the first half, in a good position after 15-15. But the sparters came hot in the second half and went to the second half and went on their own 27-12, a-point bus left 10 minutes left.

The Michigan state did not take the lead once, in the last 10 minutes in the last 10 minutes. Sparters ended 30.0% shooting from the game, while the late 24th point after the late 24th point.

The Spartans Kinson Keshan Richardson attended the 25th anniversary of the National Championship team of 2000. Jee Richardon showed his father, with Carrier-High 29 points, including three 3-pointers with 13 shots. But the best highlight of the day is blocked by the Jedarian Tracy Leopup:

Jatishadada led with 22 digits with Oregon Oregon, but the ducks were not enough to get the resurrection. With win, Michigan State White Cuzdou has been officially won by Bob Knight (Indiana drain) and all conferences (Indian) won with 353.

The Kansas State reduces competitor number 1 KENCE Connceasas

Non-off on a Concea Defender

Kansas State (12-11 overall, 6-6 large 12) in a weather-high 12) a season in a season-high-five games in a match-high-five-day match Kingdom rival nad.

The crime of the Kansas came in this game and at the smoky of May 30.8 percent to the shoes in the land. Wilders worshiped 11 of the 11 of the 11 of the 11, the 11 of the 11, wash of the Jayar, the Jayar, the Jayar, the eastern surgery.

The Cansasas State was caught in the first half and caught him under the leadership of the convention of a majority of the support of the majority of the majority of majority. Wildcats held Kensas for Kensas 4 for 4-30-point ranks.

David Nabal led by Wild Workers’ leadership (20), back-to-back games has reached at least 20 points in The envox Egure has now made double statistics now in their last 27 games. Three other Wildcots Starters If double-digit points (1)), maximum Jones (12) and Calement (12) (12) (12) (12) (12) (12) (12) (12) (12) (12)). हन्टर डिन्डिन्सनले कन्सास (1–7, —) 21 औंकालको साथ बाटोको नेतृत्व गरे, तर सुरुको घाटामा जयवाक्स आफैंले भेट्टाउनु पर्याप्त थिएन।

The Kansas State has now won the state games from 1981-838343.

Number 10 Texas A & M & M A And M adge number 15 Misski


No. 10 Texas A & & M, 3-5 seconds) 15-6,-4-4 in Misguay. Seconds) Closing 67-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-64-6474.

The Alit invited 38-29 on half of 38-29, but I will not be harder in the second half. There is less few minutes left, the tigers led 64-63.

In the clutch, Wed Taylor came through the IV Texas A & And and the three -2 indicator to lead a 3-264. Her shot calmed the house congestion, sealing the best home record of Missouri to end up.

Taylor ended with 15 points and imported to ‘the imports’ late-game execution. Fair Pan led to a team in a skilled-1-6 bay-in-10-3, a team of special-1-6, while the Tamar Oat of Missori was shaking with shooting-1.

Texas A & M wi highlights their dominance in the street in this season, keep its third-Randal away from home. They were shocked 45.3% from the area and out-rebound Missouri 34 342, a solid -32 all around your solid.