Art Schallock, oldest living MLB player and World Series champion with Yankees, dies at 100

Art Schallock, oldest living MLB player and World Series champion with Yankees, dies at 100

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Artang Shacharook has died, the oldest live league baseball player and the World War II veteran. He was 100 years old. Schallock played 58 played with New York and Baltimore Orioles in 1951-55.

He was born and raised in Bey’s area, Shairok played a semi-side ball in the summer. He was drafted into the United States Navy and served in the Pacific Ocean during World War II in 1943-46.

Shalok baseball career began when he signed with Brooklyn Dodger in 1946. He was in 1951.

“They had to send someone down and found that Mickey Mantle Shalock told Edtanazio Edtanazio years laterA number “He returned quickly, but for many years to Miki and I joke about it.”

Although only seven games appeared during the regular season of 1953, Shalok was in the world series, for two seconds, throwing two seconds against the playing field. Shalok and the beaches won the former team in six games to win the title of the world.

Orioles announced the Holococ in 1955 by giving up the Yank. He went to the seasons of five MLBs in the age of 6-7 in the age of 6-7, with 1/3 of 1/3 of the 14th place. In addition to being the oldest live MLB player, Schallock was the last live member of the 1953 world champion Ankees.

After his gaming career, Shalok worked for several real estate firms in public relations. He and his wife Donna had two daughters, Dianne and Nancy.

Shalock became the oldest living player when George Elder died in 2022.