Brewers owner Mark Attanasio questions his purpose: To win or to ‘provide a summer of entertainment’ for fans?

Brewers owner Mark Attanasio questions his purpose: To win or to ‘provide a summer of entertainment’ for fans?

The main league’s baseball exhibition season will start on Thursday, indicating the official completion of the offshe. This does not mean that certain privilege owners are ready to move in winter, which saw world-champion Los Angeles Dodger, and the richest contract signs the richest contract in the history of the League.

Count Milwaukee Brewers Steward Mark Attanasio as the most recent owner to consider the League’s financial condition as a Talk to USA About the state of items published on Tuesday. Attanasio took the opportunity to demand (without evidence) that brewers struggle even on an annual basis. He also explicitly wanted for the income exchange structure similar to the employees by NFL and NBA.

But, perhaps, the most remarkable part of Attanasio’s ventilation came in the form of this nervous issue. Way of collecting families. “

It would be a fair answer. Like both of them.

The guardians of baseball would be wise to remember that the League is part of the entertainment industry. This is an undeniable truth that is very easily ignored by the corners of the game, which must be raised towards everyone. At the same time, the alarms should be heard when the owner is trying to reduce or isolate the quality of the team from their fans of their responsibilities. It is a little reminiscent of this scene John Helyar’s Range’s LordsIn which Former MLB Commissioner Peter Weebrbert is presented to preferential owners to make a team quality.

“Let’s say that each of you is sitting in front of the red button and the black button,” he said in one early congregation. “Push the red button and you would like to beat the world series but lose $ 10 million. Push the black button and would be $ 4 million and would you finish in the middle?

He paused around looking around. “The problem is, many of you would hit the red.”

Webberrot distrusted them to check the meaning of their business at the door. “You’re so damn dumb.”

Intentionally or otherwise, the framework of “Attanazio” is a hand of his hand, if he is taken to his logical extremism. Let’s look at that last year’s Chicago’s White Sox technically provided fun for fun and passionate families in modern history. It was not so right The type of fun or passion, but Hey, they put the games every evening, and that’s what counts yes. By bringing out the product out of there for consumption, no worrying or it is worthwhile.

Yes, shaping the quality of the team, the owner’s quality is out of the border. That it is a purely case or chance, not something that can focus and be in love. It allows the owners to cover for all types of unwanted behavior, including rejecting money on the player’s maintenance and acquisition. (Pawnshops are heated in this regard by selling Corbin to leave the two offsets passing over the past two offsets, when they see the executive David Starser, also leave larger markets.) Besides, So, although the teams are in the business of lowering ticket prices (or their public financing) during the thin years. BootyAsk Pittsburgh pirates about it.)

Be fair to Attanasio, he probably I didn’t mean to the movement of nihilism. The pawnshops are reliably obstructed by a good product under his guidance. They have reached playoffs since the sixth of the last seven years, despite the series received from 2018. Brilliant front office with more resources to see if it can help her privilege to deliver its first world series. (Brewers have not been ranked above the day of opening date from 2019). He can just think a little more about something else.