MLB rumors: Astros sign Gold Glove-winning second baseman as Jose Altuve takes reps in outfield

MLB rumors: Astros sign Gold Glove-winning second baseman as Jose Altuve takes reps in outfield


The main league’s baseball exhibition season will start on Thursday. As such, the teams have all the reasons in the world to package their outgoing supplements as soon as possible. Below, CBS Sports made all the most remarkable news on Wednesday, news and moving for your convenience.

Astros signs rhelges because he is experiencing an emigration in depth

The stars have agreed to the juvenile-league deal, the second Basketball Brendan Rodgers of the Golden Glove, By Kprc2’s Ari AlexanderA number of Rodgers won his only piece of hardware in 2022 when he raised more than 20 defense transactions for each baseball reference measurements.

Rodgers by 28-year-old rocker after 94 ops + after posting 94 ops + after posting 94 OPS +. MLBA number of Rodgers have not experienced those expectations, but his supplement, however, is remarkable based on the latest other developments in Houston’s list.

Player headscarf

Indeed, the current second basketball Jose Altuu has managed to fly flying balls in the left field, and the General Director Jekanadad has shown that he can jump deeply between positions. “I’m not going to share the plan with you yet, because this will be everyday.” Espany told reportersA number of hot[Altuve] will play a few second base. Right now that’s a day. I want to get some feedback from him before we discuss where we go next, but he will play a second base. “

Maurisio Dubo The plates will take action in the cernie, when Attuve is left, at least starting the season, but it stands for the reason that can work its beauty. Leaving the star Alex Brabman, he was signed by a Christian walker, to play the first base and to acquire the third base of Isaac’s paraders.